受賞者:○澤田昂大(M2)・五十嵐祐 ○:責任発表者
受賞学会:日本心理学会第83回大会(2019年9月11日~13日 於:立命館大学)
この記事へのリンク | 2019-11-29
2019年11月28日~29日にかけて開催されるThe 4th Australian Social Network Analysis Conference (ASNAC 2019) (Adelaide, Australia) で以下の発表を行います。
Oral Presentation
Igarashi, T. (2019). Loneliness may be contagious, but among the non-lonely: A longitudinal analysis of social influence process in large adolescent friendship networks. Paper presented at the 4th Australian Social Network Analysis Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Previous research (Cacioppo, Fowler, & Christakis, 2009) argues that loneliness is contagious in a social circle through the transmission of emotional, cognitive, and behavioral habits from one to another. However, the proposed evidence is not adequate to conclude the social contagion process of loneliness in several aspects, such as the inappropriateness of the statistical model to analyze relational data, the dyadic, not sociometric, nature of the dataset, and the less attention to moderation effects of one’s level of loneliness on the susceptibility to others’ loneliness. The current study applied Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models to large high-school friendship network data drawn from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health to examine the social influence (i.e. contagion) process on loneliness, or the interplay between the friendship network development and the change in loneliness among adolescents across the waves. Under controlling for the social selection process of loneliness as well as several covariate factors such as sex, race, depression, and obesity on tie formation, the analysis yielded a finding that the social influence effect of loneliness was not commonly observed across schools. A significant average similarity effect was obtained at one large school, and supplementary analysis according to actors’ and peers’ levels of loneliness revealed that loneliness contagion was observed especially among those who had similar levels of loneliness. In addition, there was a moderation effect of loneliness contagion: the spread of “non-loneliness” among those who had never or rarely felt loneliness was more likely than the spread of loneliness among those who had always had that feeling. The current findings give crucial evidence that the non-lonely feeling is more contagious among peers than the lonely feeling and suggest the importance of distinguishing loneliness from other social delinquent behaviors that have been found to be contagious in a social setting.
この記事へのリンク | 2019-11-22
博士後期課程の陳佳玉がThe 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP2020) のTravel Awardを受賞
(image from http://meeting.spsp.org/)
博士後期課程の陳佳玉がThe 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP2020) のTravel Awardを受賞しました。
受賞者:陳佳玉(D2) ※共著者:五十嵐祐
受賞学会:The 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology(2020年2月27日~29日開催 於:New Orleans, Louisiana)
受賞名:Graduate Travel Award
発表題目:Peals are everywhere but not the same as the eyes? Wealthy people can be altruistic towards the poor who are well disposed
この記事へのリンク | 2019-9-20
The 13th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP2019) (Taipei) で以下の発表を行います。
Igarashi, T., Chen, J., Hayakawa, M., Sawada, G. & Hirashima, T. (2019). Task-switching ability fosters multiple community belonging on social networking service.
Chen, J. & Igarashi, T. (2019). All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter : An Experiment for Investigating Effects of Cognitive Resource Disparity on Acceptance of Outgroup Members.
Furuhashi, K. & Igarashi, T. (2019). Switch, and ye shall find: The effect of switching helpers on perceived stress in help-seeking situation.
Hayakawa, M. & Igarashi, T. (2019). Can’t stop looking at her: Automatic theorization to infer other’s mental states in ambiguous situation.
Sawada, G. & Igarashi, T. (2019). When the two become the one: Indiscriminative retaliation against others under unidentifiability.
この記事へのリンク | 2019-6-14
“BMC Psychology”に孤独感尺度短縮版(3項目)に関する論文が掲載されました
"BMC Psychology"に、以下の論文が掲載されました。本研究では、Hughes et al. (2004) の孤独感尺度短縮版(3項目)の邦訳版を作成し、オンラインのサンプルから収集したデータを用いて、項目応答理論に基づいて項目の特性を分析したのち、UCLA孤独感尺度やBig Five、個人の属性との基準関連妥当性を検討しています。従来の研究では、20項目のUCLA孤独感尺度が多く用いられてきましたが、本研究の知見は、3項目の短縮版が一定の識別力と妥当性を有することを示すものであり、さまざまな領域での応用が期待されます。
Igarashi, T. (2019). Development of the Japanese version of the Three-Item Loneliness Scale. BMC Psychology, 7:20, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-019-0285-0
- あなたは、自分に仲間付き合いがないと感じることがありますか
- あなたは、疎外されていると感じることがありますか
- あなたは、他の人から孤立していると感じることがありますか
1: ほとんどない
2: たまにある
3: よくある
Loneliness is a major risk factor for mental and physical health worldwide. The Three-Item Loneliness Scale (TIL Scale; Hughes et al., 2004) has been widely applied to measure loneliness in a simplified format, but no validated Japanese version has been developed. This study adapted the TIL Scale into Japanese and tested its reliability and validity.
The original English version of the TIL Scale was translated into Japanese, and the expressions of the Japanese version were confirmed by a back translation procedure. The translated scale was then administered to Japanese respondents recruited from an online research panel (N = 1020) and an online crowdsourcing service (N = 500). To analyze the data containing polytomous responses to the items in the scale, this study used categorical Confirmatory Factor Analysis and the Generalized Partial Credit Model based on the Item Response Theory. To evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale, this study examined factorial validity, reliability, information curves, and the associations of the scale score with demographic variables (age, gender, marital status, and living arrangements), the scores of the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (R-UCLA), the Big Five scale of personality traits, and the sizes of personal networks.
The translated TIL Scale showed essential unidimensionality and characteristics to differentiate among respondents at different levels of loneliness. The scale score was related positively with the scores of R-UCLA and neuroticism and negatively with the scores of extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, and the sizes of overall and support networks. Those who were unmarried and alone recorded a higher score on the scale than those who were married and living with someone. Age showed a negative correlation with the scale score only in Sample 1, in which the equal allocation procedure was introduced for the age stratum.
The results indicate that the Japanese version of the TIL Scale demonstrates adequate reliability and validity for the assessment of loneliness.
この記事へのリンク | 2019-4-6