お知らせ // 発表




  • 伊藤 文人・五十嵐 祐・松尾 崇史・ 髙島 理沙・鈴木 真介・橋本 剛(2023). コミュニティー・シェッドを活用した高齢者の社会的孤立・孤独の一次予防–シチズンサポートプロジェクトにおける心理学・脳科学のあり方–



  • 佐名 龍太・五十嵐 祐 (2023). 日本における犯罪者ステレオタイプの様態–罪種によるステレオタイプの違いに関する検討–(9月15日 11:20 〜 13:20)
  • 五十嵐 祐・光永 悠彦・平島 太郎・吉田 琢哉 (2023). 孤独感と社会的空想 (2)–クラウドソーシングサンプルでの検討–(9月16日 9:00 〜 11:00)
  • 陳 佳玉・五十嵐 祐 (2023). 利他的動機が個人の情報拡散の傾向に与える影響(9月17日 13:40 〜 15:40 )


2023年9月7日~8日に開催される日本社会心理学会第64回大会 で以下の発表を行います。


五十嵐祐 (2023). 知覚された関係流動性尺度の再検討:項目反応理論を用いて (9月7日 10:00~11:30)

平島太郎・五十嵐祐 (2023). メンタライジングとコミュニティ所属:パフォーマンス測定によるメンタライジング指標を用いた検討 (9月7日 10:00~11:30)


The 15th Biennial Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP2023) で以下の発表を行います。

Oral Presentation

Igarashi, T. (2023). Cognitive flexibility and empathy: Key factors in detecting and adapting to different norms.

Chen, J. & Igarashi, T. (2023). Individuating information and cross-class social selection.


2023年6月5日~7日に開催されるSociety for Ambulatory Assessment Conference 2023 (SAA2023)で、以下の発表を行います。

Igarashi, T., Mitsunaga, H., Hirashima, T., & Yoshida, T. (2023). The power of one-sided relationship: Mitigating loneliness through parasocial relationships with real and virtual figures. Paper presented at the Society for Ambulatory Assessment Conference 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

In modern society, tackling loneliness is a pivotal and challenging issue to solve with priority. One clue for the challenge is that loneliness is conceptualized as a cognitive discrepancy between one's current and ideal social situations. We examined whether people alleviate loneliness by employing parasocial relationships (imaginary social relationships) with real (e.g., celebrities/athletes) and virtual (e.g., fictional characters) figures to achieve ideal psychological outcomes in social contexts. We collected intensive longitudinal data from 502 crowdsourcing workers in Japan for two weeks (four times per day) using an experience sampling (ES) method on smartphones. We measured trait loneliness and depression before and after the ES and state loneliness, daily activities, and subjective evaluations of the activities during the ES. Daily activities involved solitary activities (baseline), face-to-face/computer-mediated interactions with others, thinking about real others, and thinking about parasocial relationships. The dataset included about 26000 responses (response rate = 93%). We used two-part residual dynamic structural equation modeling (RDSEM) for analysis. Trait loneliness after the ES was significantly related to state loneliness during the ES under controlling depression. Compared to the baseline, the experience of face-to-face/computer-mediated interactions decreased state loneliness directly. Notably, thinking about parasocial relationships decreased state loneliness through the evaluations of the experience as positive, ideal, and cathartic. In contrast, thinking about real others increased state loneliness via the interpretations of the experience as habituated and self- and past-related. The findings imply that humans' imaginative capacity to envision ideal social connections can significantly mitigate loneliness.


“Asian Journal of Social Psychology”に論文が掲載されました

"Asian Journal of Social Psychology"に、以下の論文が掲載されました。


Chen, J. & Igarashi, T. (in press). Unequal but not separate: Emergence of rich-poor cooperation in resource exchange. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajsp.12569


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